Thursday, February 16, 2023

Compiling source code (by CMake) of application in FFP

Compile source code of application via CMake instead of autotools in FFP-0.7 enviroment of NAS, you can commend below steps :

1. Download source code of application
# wget http://../source-code-application.tar.gz

2. Uncompress (-x) source code
# tar -xvf source-code-application.tar.gz

3. Compile by "CMake" in the prefix directory of uncompressed source-code-application
# cd source-code-application
# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ffp . | tee file.log &

* remake : after CMake V3.x, changed to "--install . --prefix" from "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="
* remark : time taking so put it in background "&" & show in both screen & log file "tee" 

4. Install by "make" in the directory of uncompressed source-code-application given the insatll folder in temp4new
# make 
# make install DESTDIR=/i-data/75b2c01f/build/temp4new | tee file.log & 

* remark : time taking so put it in background "&" & show in both screen & log file "tee" 

5. Compress (-c) Application
# cd /mnt/HD_a2/build/temp4new
tar -cvf source-code-application-oarm-0.txz ffp

* remark: a. remove -J not to cpmpress package

6. Install (-i) / Upgrade (-u) Applictaion
# funpkg -u source-code-application-oarm-0.txz