Monday, April 8, 2019

Compiling source code (by Autotools) of application in FFP

If you want to compile source code of application by autotools in FFP-0.7 enviroment of NAS, you can commend below steps :

1. Download source code of application
# wget http://../source-code-application.tar.xz

2. Uncompress (-x) source code
# tar -xvf source-code-application.tar.gz

3. Auto Configurate
# cd source-code-application
# autoreconf -i
# ./configure --prefix=/ffp

4. Compile Application
 given the install folder in temp4new

# make
# mkdir /mnt/HD_a2/build/temp4new
# DESTDIR=//mnt/HD_a2/build/temp4new make install

6. Compress (-c) Application
# cd /mnt/HD_a2/build/temp4new
tar -cvf source-code-application-oarm-0.txz ffp

* remark: a. remove -J to uncpmpress package for performance 

7. Install (-i) / Upgrade (-u) Applictaion
# funpkg -u source-code-application-oarm-0.txz

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Economy Cycle with Asset Price and Sector Trend

經濟景氣循環主要為 : Growth, Slowdown, Recession & Recovery. 每一次可長(一二十年亦有)可短(四或五年一次), 每一階段時間也不盡相同, 時快時慢, 不易捉摸.
但可以透過相關總體變數與指標來加以判斷, 在不同階段, 其相對映之股票(Stock)與債券(Bond)及原物料(Material)都有著不同的預期價格改變趨勢, 另一方面各產業 Sectors 亦也有所不同的呈現於營收與收益的結果, 簡單做個整理 (僅為個人參考)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

11 大類的產業 Sector 之指數ETF

美股有以下主要產業 Sectors 也都有對應的指數型ETF, 下列是針對SPDR 與 Vanguard 所對應之ETF及其主要持有標的:

Sectors SPDR Vanguard Top Holding Symbol %
Energy XLE VDE Exxon XOM 23%
Basic Materials XLB VAW DowDuPont DWDP 15%
Industrials XLI VIS Boeing BA 8%
Consumer Discretionary XLY VCR Amazon AMZN 23%
Consumer Staples XLP VDC P&G PG 13%
Healthcare XLV VHT J&J JNJ 9%
Financial XLF VFH JPMorgan JPM 9%
Information Technology XLK VGT Apple AAPL 14%
Communications XTL VOX Facebook FB 14%
Utilities XLU VPU NextEra NEE 10%